Wednesday, May 6, 2009


All I have left to do on the e-portfolio (I think) is to create a "splash" page. Did everyone else do this? I wanted something with a little eye candy so it would be inviting to anyone who would be interested in actually reading and looking through it. Are there any tips that anyone may have about what they did on their page if they created one. I'm going to try and finish up early tomorrow so it will be ready. Hopefully, it won't take to long to create. I was thinking of doing something simple like a big title with a photo(s) and an "Enter" button that will link to my home page. Does this sound feasible?

1 comment:

  1. Tim,

    I hope you're feeling better. I meant to write earlier, but you know how hectic life is and I knew you were a little busy, too! I'm glad to see that you're feeling better, and I hope you continue mending.

    Your ideas for your portfolio sound very feasible. I think everyone did some kind of splash page as an introduction. Some also did a tool bar on the left-hand side of the screen, which is pretty easy to do in Google sites' settings menu (if I remember correctly).

    Take care of yourself!
